Business Officer, Sociology Department
24 years of service
UCSB alum

I joined Staff Assembly to make sure my voice is heard and see that staff issues are addressed. Having worked on campus for many years, I wish I joined Staff Assembly sooner! If you want to know what's going on with staff salaries, benefits, or any UC policy Staff Assembly has a collective knowledge that spans decades. I'm also excited to join a group that has other hard working UCSB staff I may not have otherwise met before.

Assistant Director, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center
4 years of service

I joined Staff Assembly to better understand the challenges facing our staff and campus and to contribute to positive change in our community.

Sustainable Procurement Program Manager and Small Business Officer, Business & Financial Services
9 years of service

I served as an executive board member of the Staff Sustainability Network (SSN) at UC San Diego when I began working at the university in October 2014. As part of my role with SSN, I joined the UC San Diego Staff Association Executive Board and was nominated Chair-Elect in July 2020. I served as Chair from July 2021 – June 2022 before being elected to serve as Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) Operations Officer in July 2022. In 2023, I transitioned to UCSB from UC San Diego, joined the UCSB Staff Assembly, and was elected to serve as Chair-elect of CUCSA. I value community, and see my role on Staff Assembly and CUCSA as fostering a workplace that is supportive, safe and rewarding for all staff.

Graduate Advisor, Computer Science Department
1.5 years of service

I joined Staff Assembly to advocate for staff. We deserve better total compensation, work/life balance, and resources. The dedication and passion of other members within this organization have encouraged me to actively participate in finding solutions and fostering an improved environment for staff at UCSB. Our collective experience is enriched by the remarkable community we have. As a member of Staff Assembly, I am connected to the wider UCSB community through our array of staff-oriented events.

Business Officer, Computer Science Department
32 years of service
UCSB alum for both undergraduate and graduate degrees

I joined Staff Assembly to help continue offering events for Staff such as the annual Ice Cream Social. Since joining I have enjoyed becoming involved in staff issues such as housing and educational benefits. I believe Staff play a key role in the workings of the University and our voice is important.

Talent Acquisition & Training Analyst, Human Resources
1 year of service

I joined Staff Assembly to help with events, to meet staff members from other departments, and to find out more about the issues impacting staff on campus.

Student Affairs Manager, Computer Science
14 years of service

I joined Staff Assembly to be further involved with staff programs, issues, and events on campus, as well as to learn more about the greater UC community and system. Since joining I have served as a UCSB delegate to CUCSA and became involved in UC-wide staff issues and advocacy. I look forward to continually advocating for staff, along with collaborating on our shared campus staff culture.

Director of Learning & Organizational Development, Audit & Advisory Services
6 months of service

I'm passionate about creating a work culture where people feel connected, supported, and valued -- that's why I joined Staff Assembly. I hope to leverage my background in learning and development with my own desire work cross-functionally with others across campus to contribute to a campus where staff are engaged and their voices are heard.

Payroll Supervisor, Earth Research Institute
6 years of service
UCSB alum

I joined Staff Assembly to continue to elevate the staff voice on campus and to advocate for policy changes within the UC System. Staff Assembly has given me the incredible opportunity of being more involved at UCSB while growing my campus community and making friends along the way!

Business Officer, Solid State Lighting & Energy Electronics Center
4 years of service

The reason I joined the Staff Assembly is to get involved with staff issues, and concerns, and also to learn how to address them. This will be my first year becoming a Board member. I'm very excited to work with everyone.

Work-Life Resource Coordinator, Human Resources
4 years of service

I joined Staff Assembly to listen to what staff need, and to see that staff issues are addressed. It's incredibly valuable to meet, and to find a community on campus, made up of people that I may not have met otherwise. Through our Staff Assembly I have also had the honor of being one of our systemwide CUCSA representatives ('21-'22 & '22-'23), where we are able to interact with staff from across the UC system and influence positive changes for staff across all UC locations.

Associate Director, Academic Senate
16 years of service
UCSB alum

I joined Staff Assembly because, as a staff member at UCSB for over 16 years, I have seen the amazing contributions that staff make to every aspect of this campus. I want to help staff be recognized for their accomplishments, whether it is through helpful policy changes, celebratory events, or important discussions with campus leaders.

Business Officer, Asian American Studies Department
21 years of service
UCSB alum

I joined Staff Assembly to participate in our community - to learn staff issues, learn from others, and be a resource to my colleagues.

Web Presence Developer, Administrative & Residential Information Technology
23 years of service
UCSB alum

I have always admired how Staff Assembly events boost morale and inspire a feeling of community at UCSB. I joined Staff Assembly to learn more about staff issues and help effect positive change.

Income & Recharge Analyst, Office of Budget & Planning
11 years of service
UCSB alum

I decided to join Staff Assembly because I wanted to participate in the UC community beyond my job. I enjoyed being involved in a sorority during my undergraduate education and so once I started to work on campus I began to look into ways I could contribute as a staff member. Staff Assembly has been a great opportunity for me to become more involved at UCSB and play a role in events and issues that are of concern to myself and other staff members.